1. Preliminary Member Sizing

1.1. Slab Minimum Thickness - Deflection

ACI 318-14 (Table 

In this example, deflection will be calculated and checked to satisfy project deflection limits. Minimum member thickness and depths from ACI 318-14 will be used for preliminary sizing.

Using ACI 318-14 minimum slab thickness for two-way construction without interior beams in Table 

Exterior Panels:

ACI 318-14 (Table

But not less than 5 in.

ACI 318-14 (

Interior Panels:

ACI 318-14 (Table

But not less than 5 in.

ACI 318-14 (

Where ln = length of clear span in the long direction = 216 – 16 = 200 in.

Try 7 in. slab for all panels (self-weight = 87.5 psf)

1.2. Slab Shear Strength - One Way Shear

Evaluate the average effective depth (Figure 2):


cclear = 3/4 in. for # 4 steel bar

ACI 318-14 (Table

db = 0.5 in. for # 4 steel bar

02 d average

Figure 2 - Two-Way Flat Concrete Floor System

Factored dead load,   

Factored live load,   

ACI 318-14 (5.3.1)

Total factored load,   

Check the adequacy of slab thickness for beam action (one-way shear)

ACI 318-14 (22.5)

At an interior column:

Consider a 12-in. wide strip. The critical section for one-way shear is located at a distance d, from the face of support (see Figure 3).

Tributary area for one-way shear is:

ACI 318-14 (Eq.

where λ = 1 for normal weight concrete

Slab thickness of 7 in. is adequate for one-way shear.

03 One-way shear section

Figure 3 - Critical Section for One-Way Shear

1.3. Slab Shear Strength - Two-Way Shear

Check the adequacy of slab thickness for punching shear (two-way shear) at an interior column (Figure 4):

Tributary area for two-way shear is:

(For square interior column)

ACI 318-14 (Table

Slab thickness of 7 in. is adequate for two-way shear.

04 Two-way shear section

Figure 4 - Critical Section for Two-Way

1.4. Column Dimensions - Axial Load

Check the adequacy of column dimensions for axial load:

Tributary area for interior column is:

(For square interior column)

ACI 318-14 (22.4.2)

Column dimensions of 16 in. x 16 in. are adequate for axial load.