spWall Features
Home: Software: spWall v5.01: Features
Technical Features
- Support for ACI 318-14/11/08/05/02/99 & CSA A23.3-14/04/94 design standards
- Finite element analysis (including 2nd order effects) of flat wall panels with stiffeners
- Arbitrary geometry of wall panels which may include openings
- Rectangular, L, T, or circular cross sections of stiffeners
- Arbitrary boundary conditions including spring supports
- Point, line, and area load types to model any loading conditions
- Design of wall elements for flexure with one or two reinforcement curtains
- Design of stiffener elements flexure, shear, and torsion
Program Features
- Six load cases
- 255 X & Y grid lines
- 255 Plate thickness & cracking coefficient definitions
- 255 Stiffener section & cracking coefficient definitions
- 255 Concrete definitions
- 255 Steel definitions
- 255 Plate & stiffener design criteria definitions
- 255 Rigid & spring support definitions
- 255 Point load definitions per load case
- 255 Uniform area load definitions per load case
- 255 Linear area load definitions per load case
- 255 Uniform line load definitions per load case
- 255 Service Load & Ultimate Load combinations
- Approximately 10,000 nodes and 10,000 elements
- Straightforward and effective graphical user interface
- Graphical display of geometry and loads as they are input
- Print preview of graphical screen
- Import input data from pcaWall v2.0/3.0 and spWall v4.0
- Customizable results report
General Features
- English (in.-lb) or SI (metric) units
- Online help
- Checking of data as they are input
- User-controlled screen color settings
- Save defaults and settings for future input sessions